Festival de Danza Contemporánea del Valle Medio - Luis Beltrán

Taller de Acción Primitiva - Domingo 18 y Lunes 19 de Junio 10 a 13hs


Clases Individuales en Buenos Aires

28 de Julio y 1 de Agosto por la tarde en OIHOY , CABA


1 de Agosto 

Buitenkunst - The Netherlands

August 5th to 12th - Buitenkunst Drenthe - Keuzeprogramma - 

August 13th to 19th - Buitenkunst Randmeer - PRIMITIVE ACTION - Speciale Week

August 20th to 26th - Buitenkunst Randmeer - Keuzeprogramma.


Graner - Barcelona

September 4th - 24th - PRIMITIVE ACTION -  research residency

convocatoria y formulario de inscripción en:



Wudang Principles - Berlin

September 25th - October 15th - Internal Kungfu furthering my full time training at Xuan Gong Fu Academy and with Ismet Himmet.

4Bid Gallery - OT301 Amsterdam

October 20st, 21st and 22nd 10am to 1pm - PRIMITIVE ACTION intensive workshop  -

Inscribe at: 4bidgallery@gmail.com